Monday -Fridays 6-9pm | Saturdays 9 am-2pm
443-208-3511 abrushofart@gmail.com 7097 Milford Industrial Rd
Tots Moms/Pops
A workshop for 2-4 year olds. Dancers and their parents will explore movement together.This class meets on a Pop Up basis. Subscribe to or email list below to get notifications about our next class.
Intro to Dance
An introduction to dance for kids ages 2-4. Dancers will explore ballet and modern technique
Learn the basics while having fun and igniting a love of dance and the ability to take class independently.
Hip Hop​​​​​​​​​​​​​
A high energy dance class centered around intricate and rhythmic dance combinations performed to the latest music in hip hop culture. Students will increase their stamina, and find their inner swag. Students will develop musicality and have opportunities in class to freestyle and perform.​
Learn acrobatic skills according to your level in a safe fun environment. This class is not a tumbling class and skills will take time to master. The instructor will guide the class towards increased flexibility, balance, strength, muscle control, discipline and concentration. The focus is on fundamental acrobatic technique, teaching skills including handstands, chin stands, cartwheels, back bends, and walkovers.
Learn modern terminology in order to strengthen technique, coordination and flexibility. Dancers will work toward mastery of dance skills and performance quality.
Explore classical dance skills in order to build a strong dance foundation. Dancers will learn ballet vocabulary, grace, fluidity intricate sequencing, discipline and class etiquette. Dancers will gain strength, power, grace, flexibility and courage while learning fundamental movements.
Get those feet moving! Rhythmic dance performed in tap shoes.
ABA Competition Team
It's time to kick it up a notch. This class will provide lessons in this sophisticated classical of jazz dance. Dancers will also be challenged with contemporary and lyrical choreography. On this team dancers develop showmanship, increase flexibility, learn acrobatic tricks, and complex combinations. **ALL TEAM MEMBERS must take hip hop or ballet/modern.**
Tumble Time
This "add on" class features 30minutes of Drills for front and back hand springs, and aerials.
Jumps, Leaps and Turns
An "add on class" for students who want to perfect their leaps, calypsos, pirouettes and more. 30 minute focus on building strength, balance and spotting..
This class uses a baton prop and combines dance and color guard to create coordinated routines. Students focus on the basics of twirling while working on showmanship and coordination.
Class Descriptions